Using a flexible and practical design, the Hovea from Cedar Homes conforms to a wide range of prospected owners. Cedar Homes General Manager Daniel Paulsen said that families, retirees or couples would…
Changing your style and fashion sense is not so different from just changing your wardrobe, and the same goes for your home design. Altering a few key pieces to a complete interior design makeover is making…
According to known interior designer Becky Lee, denims isn’t considered contemporary now in the design world but also shouldn’t be a reason not to incorporate it to home designs. With the colour’s…
In the 2018 Houses Awards in July, five houses from Geelong, the Bellarine Peninsula and Surf Coast are included as a part of the 57 Victorian finalists for the best new house, alterations and addition…
Housing Industry Association’s 2017 Kitchen and Bathrooms released a report detailing from among the 219,000 bathroom renovations made, $17,000 were all spent for renovations alone with a rising…